Friday, November 11, 2011


Jane Hammond "fallen" and why people saw this as controversial.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Jean-Michael Baquiat

John T. Biggers

I like this photo of John T. Biggers because it is very abstract. It has a lot of amusing colors that attract my attention and tell me whats really going on in the picture. A Jazz band playing some music from what it looks like. I believe the colors really bring out the word JAZZZZZ. John T. Biggers was African artist that showed a lot of culture in his art. In this drawing a material oil seemed to be used. The green and blue are what really brings the photo out. Also the shading actually help look 3 dimensional .

Monday, November 7, 2011

i like this photo mainly because of the sunrise but it shows how the road ends in a v like dimension

Took this photo while i was in traffic but i notice when actually looked at the picture the light at the top reflects of my dashboard

my favorite of these 3, this photo that i took while i was at work shows how there's 2 suns rising but its really one.

Frottage (rubbing) homework

I call it instant art ;)
I used a couple of this random tree leaves, pencil and texture of this sculpture i made 4 years ago .